Sunday 4 April 2010

Decision Made...

Sadly, I have to report that I have made the big decision and there will be no London marathon for me this year.

The problem with my knee is not going away - and the worst part is that the knee pain is just a symptom of the two injury sites in my left leg.

Having completed (after a fashion) a 20 mile run last weekend I know I could get around the 26.2 miles but that is what last year was about. This year I wanted more than just getting around. I wanted to get under the 4 hour mark or maybe even better.
Then there was the pain issue. The thought of dealing with the amount of intense, localised pain I experienced during that 20 miles not just for the marathon but for the 2 very long and 1 longish run left in the schedule before the big day had me wincing at the thought.
Then finally there was the long term damage issue. I could have got around, slowly and in pain and then found that I was unable to run for the following three months (or worse). I am hoping to push on with my half marathon running later in the year having achieved a 1:38:42 with this injury I can only hope that injury free I will be able to go even faster.

So I have made the choice to defer. At least it means I won't have to worry about securing a place for 2011, if I wasted this years place I might have to wait another 5 to get in again. Hopefully I can recover now, build back up again nice and slowly and be ready, fighting fit for an even bigger challenge in 2011!

Saturday 27 March 2010

(Nearly) Big Decision Time...

The three weeks since the Bath Half have, frankly, been a struggle. As already noted in a couple of my posts I had been struggling with a knee problem which despite the success of two sub 1:40 (well sub 1:39's actually :)! ) halfs had got progressively worse over a number of weeks, severely curtailing my training.

Initially, when it started, it didn't seem to matter so much as it meant I tapered for Wokingham and Bath and then enjoyed some success timewise. The writing was on the wall though suring Bath when I know, without the terrible pain in my knee I could have got around a couple of so minutes faster.

Post Bath things have got worse. The first week was no running at all. Last week was no running until Thursday and then a couple of short ones followed by a disaster last Sunday where I ended up walking home from Ashton Court unable to continue due to the searing pain.

This week, so far has been the same. No running Monday to Thursday then a 4 and yesterday a 6.25. It doesn't sound much but that 6.25 is the longest I have run non-stock since Bath and whilst it wasn't entirely pain free it was much more manageable.

I have been debating with myself over the last few weeks whether I will need to defer until the 2011 marathon. Whilst I have missed a fair bit of training in the last few weeks so many miles have been done over the last few months that that is not necessarily an insurmountable problem. Of course, as any runner will tell you, we will try and run until literally we physically can't but there is a huge difference between my running now and last year. Last years marathon was just about getting around, putting my chubby body through it and seeing if I come out of the other end. This year my expectations are so much higher, any time over 4 hours would be something of a disappointment. So what to do the lure of the London marathon or the sensible option.

Clearly I need to do some serious miles and quickly and realistically a lack of very long run this weekend will probably answer the question for me. Lucy is away so unless I make a (long) trip into South Wales where there is a 20 mile race I am pretty much motivating myself - and maybe that's not a bad thing - perhaps I need to prove to myself that my hunger for this race is still there. In the back of my mind I have been gradually withdrawing from the 2010 race now I have a glimmer of hope I need to prove to myself that I still want it or whether I have become too side tracked chasing half marathon times.

So why the glimmer of hope? Well this week I finally know what the issue is - ITBS.
Illi..thingy band syndrome. Basically my ITB is so tight it is pulling on the tendons in my leg which is misalligning my kneecap and causing the problem.

The treatment is painfull - deep tissue massage - but if it means I get to run London it will be worth it. I have had a thigh problem for a long time, and basically its a chain reaction as the knot in my thigh tightens the muscle it pulls on the tendons, pulling stuff out of line which unbalances the muscles which means they get more knotted. Bizarrely now I know what is causing it when it twinges as I run mentally I am more able to deal with it. Clearly 6.25 miles is 20 short of the target but it's a start.

Tomorrow brings an attempt at a long run - it has to be at least 16 miles (preferrably more) - otherwise it maybe time for that big decision...

Monday 8 March 2010

A Nice Bath....

At last an enjoyable Bath Half...!

Last year I swore I would never do it again but after years of messing it up I think finally the organisers got it spot on.

I took the train over to Bath which meant a nice leisurely arrival, strolling into the Runners Village at just after 10. After my Wokingham experience I decided to put my bag straight in. As it was a nice temperature this really wasn't a hardship and was made even better by having such a low number which meant that my baggage drop was the first one.

As an affiliated club runner my starting pen was just behind the elite runners. Again, this meant that the access point was perfectly located from the Rec. There was one delay whilst many orange and green runners tried to get to the start via the white entrance. But once they had all turned around it was quick and easy to get to not only the start line but also a mass rank of virtually unused loos!

Saw a number of GWR runners at the start and then after a rousing round of applause for gold medal winning AMy Williams, one of the starters, we were off.

Now the downside of starting so far forward quickly became apparent as I completed the first mile in 6:52 and the second in 6:57. I made myself slow down as there was no way I would keep that pace up all the way around. As it was miles 8-11 the pain in my knee was back. I had taken thursday, friday and saturday off again because of it and in someways perhaps I shouldn't have been running at all. However, I clung on and managed one ambition of getting to the second lap without being taken over!

In the end I completed the race in 1:38:59 - so just 24 seconds outside of my Wokingham time and 27 minutes faster than my 2009 Bath Half time. My chip 10K time was 45:03 which would be a new 10K PB!

The downside is what damage it has done. My knee was very, very sore post run. I am disappointed that I didn't have the strength of mind not to run and conserve my knee - I have obviously taken my eye off of the marathon prize a little. But then also I am disappointed that the problem with my knee had slowed me down as my first 6/7 mile splits were much better than my Wokingham times.

As the train pulled out of the station I looked over and could see people still running - that would have been me last year. I suppose I should be happy with how far I have come in a year - but unfortunately along with speed I have gained a desire to compete!

Sunday 28 February 2010

Rollercoaster Ride..

After a nice easy week I was hoping for a weekend where I steadily covered 20 miles, admittedly split into a 6 and a 14.

Saturday I did the 6, averaging 8:20 min/miles and everything felt good.
Today headed off for the 14 miles. After only three or so miles the off swollen sensation in the back of my left knee was back. It has had a week off but now seems determined to rear it's head. As I tried to run through it the pain in the front of my knee started.

I tried to keep going but partly because I was running on my own and so there was less impoteous to keep going but mainly because the first three days of the week before Wokingham were spent trying not to bear weight unneccesarily and alos on ibuprofen I stopped at 5.5 miles.

Of course at this point I was in Shirehampton and so I disconsolately ran/walked back in the cold and rain, a rather sad and dejected figure.

Still I seem to be having one good week followed by one bad week. I havent yet determined how this will work out marathon wise, I hardly dare look!

I was hoping to have another easy week - something like a 5/6/slow6/rest/rest/rest/Bath Half - but event those shortish runs at the beginning of the week may be in doubt.

Who knows what is going to happen next on this rollercoaster ride?!

Monday 22 February 2010

Sub 100 mins...!

This weekend (21st Feb) was my first half marathon of the year - the Wokingham Half.

Despite having a worry about my knee (ended up not running Thursday through to Sunday) I decided to turn up and give it a try, my aim being to get a sub 1:45.

The organisation at the start was appalling, not helped by the heavy rain, but at the point when they began the countdown to the start there was still a 15-20 min baggage queue remaining. I ended up just dumping my bag in the massage tent, quick stop for the loo and then trying not to slide down the grass as I ran towards the start line.

Luckily the race was chipped but the chaotic start meant that starting positions were out of the window. Hence I was overtaking people until at least mile 10 and at that point I had quite a number of people overtake me - all of which is a little disconcerting at that point in the race.

All that said, my knee played ball. Only for the first half mile did it feel like something was trying to escape from inside my kneecap (although, bizarrely, not in a painful way!) Soon my crossness over the start was replaced by suprise as I felt strong and resonably quick.

My first few miles were faster than I anticipated and I decided to try and hang on. I felt comfortable and running within my self until around mile 10 when it became a little tougher probably from being overtaken by a big group of runners!

I crossed the line in 1:38:35!

Thus achieving my half marathon goal for the year of going sub 1:40 (and hence sub 100 mins) for a new PB in my first half of the year!

Tuesday 16 February 2010

A Lesson in Communication...

Tonights run was a change from the normal schedule. Lucy is off to Madrid at the weekend (lucky thing!) and so was running long. I said I would join her for 8 of her 12 miles.

Now being somewhat faster than me Lucy often finds herself leading the way - with me clinging on behind. As she had already done some miles I thought I would return the favour, so as we hit the Portway I put my foot down a bit. Unfortunately, we probably should have either pre-agreed a speed or I should have said that I would take up the pace because before we knew it we were 7 minute miling and I was feeling somewhat sick!

Proving that competitive instinct thrives even during training neither of us wanted to say can we slow down? and so we pushed each other along, unable to speak through effort, and both, as it turns out feeling quite ill!

If ever there was a simple lesson in the need to communicate properly this was it!

Sunday 14 February 2010

Twenty Miles and Counting...

First 20 miler of the schedule and completed in 2hrs 54mins.

Must say very pleased with that. If I could maintain that pace over the last 6 miles then I would definitely be getting home within my target time of sub 4 hours.

So OK yes it hurt but it's always an achievement running that sort of distance.
Only downside is a sharp and very localised pain in my left knee. It seems to be a flare up of a problem I normally get in the summer. Hope it won't become too much of an issue.

Our 20 miles was finished off with a now customary cup of tea and a shared Millionaires Shortbread and piece of Tiffin. There's not many better ways to spend a Sunday afternoon!